Dec 7th - I made it to Denver around 2pm from China via Seattle. Had a bit of a cold I caught somewhere the day before at work but it went away by the 10th. Jason, Nina, Shaz and Dominic arrived in the morning before me and went down to check in to the hotel in Colorado Springs. Noel Bastien (script sup) made it in a couple of days before from New York; Paul Sitzman (audio) made it down from Denver as did John Murphy (gaffer). Mike Wieben came on set on the 8th since he's a local.
Dec 8th - UCCS
We froze our butts off. It was hell, but we accomplished a lot. We might have to go back for a couple of reshoots; however, the footage looks really good and for a first day it was a success I think. At one point we had what seemed like a battery problem but it turned out to be an unlocked transport knob... that was a heart attack of the first order. The crew came together and did a great job, everyone got along well despite the enormous challenges.
Dec. 9th - UCCS snowed out; rescheduled to the coffee house location
We began shooting scene 6 a day early. It went really well despite how complex the 5-way conversation is.
Dec. 10th - scene 6
Dec. 11th - scene 11
Started the day with the jib and dolly; shot some Kodak linagraph shellburst
Dec. 12th - scene 15; scene 4
We started scene 4 and 15 (the second line scene)
Dec 13th - scene 15; scene 10.1
We started scene 11, 10.1 and 15 and finished scene 4
Dec 14th - scene 15
We finished scene 10 closeups and 15 and went long in order to get people an extra day off
Dec 15 - extra break day
Dec 16 - scheduled break day
Hello week two! We have to pick up scene 10.3 this week and finish scene 11 after Christmas. Still, we're pretty close to our schedule.
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